Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Run Away

If you see me heading towards a line at a grocery store pick a different one because I ALWAYS pick the slowest line.

Today I got behind one lady, one and boy did she have issues. I was behind her for 15 minutes. First she was waiting for something that they didn't have so we had to wait (check out was complete) until someone came to tell her that they didn't have the item. Ok, then not one but two cards were declined, ugh. Then, she had to go out to her car and get her check book, she came in and continued to TRY to write out a check. After forever she hands the check to the check-out girl who asks for her license, back out to her car to bring in her license. Back in, the girl is writing what ever on her check and the addresses don't match, shit already! Over to a manger where they say no not accepted, back over to the lady who has no other way to pay. At this point I'm starting to feel bad but ready to get the hell out at the same time. After a side talk with the woman and 2 other store personnel they accepted her check and off she went.

I should have picked the other line.

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