Sunday, September 9, 2007

"Santa, are you coming?"

We closed our pool yesterday (in this heat....what were we thinking??). Anyway, Brandon asked why we were closing it and we told him that it was starting to get cold outside and we showed him the leaves that had fallen into the pool.

He thought for a moment and said, "It snows when it gets cold out right?" "Yes" we told him. "Santa comes when it snows right?" Again, we told him yes. So then in his great 3 year old wisdom he says, "So, were closing the pool, it's getting colder out so it can snow soon. That means Santa can come in one more sleep right?" "No Brandon, I'm afraid it doesn't work like that."

I guess the calendar that I got for Brandon is not working the way I had hoped. We'll have to work on this.

1 comment:

ErinRagan said...

oh, how sad! no more pool! wahhhhh!

LOL @ Brandon. You've gotta love how a kid's mind works. Damon and Avery do the same thing... mention the word "winter" and "Christmas" is the next thing outta their mouths. LOL