Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

I think I'm going to start to blog again.

My butt is going to be in this office chair for quite some time in the next few months. I had a meeting today with one of my clients and to be honest, I don't know how I'm going to get everything done. I know I'll start to panic soon but I've gotten done before and hopefully I'll be able to do it again and take care of 2 kids. I'm thankful for the work but sometimes when it rains it pours ya know!? I'm lucky that Brandon and Sienna like to play together and most of the time it's without screaming and hitting each other.


Angela James said...

You could consider one day of daycare/preschool for them, to give yourself a full "work" day and to give them a fun day somewhere without mom (kids do actually like that, it won't scar them!) It might make all your lives a little easier and more fun, the other days of the week.

fireflymom said...

I hear you. It's not easy balancing so much.